Sunday, February 17, 2013

How Do Energy Drinks Affect Our Children's Health? - Seattle Mama Doc 101

How Do Energy Drinks Affect Our Children's Health? - Seattle Mama Doc 101

How Do Energy Drinks Affect Our Children's Health? - Seattle Mama Doc 101

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Video Information

Added: 16-02-2013
Runtime: 1m 42s
Views: 110
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It's common for kids to start loving surgery beverages at a young age. But there is another beverage to think about in the marketplace. Energy drinks are a huge industry and are particular popular with teens. However, there are some real dangers with these drinks as they are not regulated and can have 3-4 times the amount of caffeine. It can lead to dehydration, anxiety, insomnia and more. Dr Wendy Sue Swanson suggests you talk to your teens and make sure they know about the risks.

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